Pass it On Billboards Charity | Values – Pass It On

 Charity - Pass It on

About This Billboard

Every Tuesday and Thursday for the last thirty years, Albert Lexie has left his home at 5:50 in the morning to travel ninety minutes by bus to the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, so he can shine shoes in the hospital’s lobby. He uses the very same shoeshine box he built in high school shop class when he was only fifteen years old. Albert charges $3 per shine and donates all his tips to the Children’s Free Care Fund, which ensures that all children receive medical care, regardless of a family’s financial ability to pay for it.

Since 1981, Albert has donated over $100,000 of his hard-earned tips to the Children’s hospital. His annual income is only about $10,000 and he donates approximately $10,000 a year to the hospital.

Albert is a remarkable example of the value of charity—he truly is an everyday hero.

Pass it On Billboards Charity | Values – Pass It On.

About Making It A Better Place

Making It A Better Place is a Charlotte, NC Not for Profit organization providing support to other nonprofit programs who are the building blocks to make the world a better place. Our mission is to create a culture where giving back is second nature, not just a "once in a while" thing. We believe that one person can make a difference and know that it is the little things that matter. Our goal is to encourage and foster a giving back mindset.
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1 Response to Pass it On Billboards Charity | Values – Pass It On

  1. Kim says:

    See, it is the little things that we do that can make a difference and change lives. If we could all just do something everyday to make life a little better.

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