It Doesn’t Have To Be Huge

So many people think working with a charity will take up so much of their time. First I have to say. . . I am blessed to have any time at all on this earth. I am blessed every time I  breath in and out. I am blessed when I am cold to grab a sweatshirt or a blanket to warm up. I am blessed to have the time to enjoy my dogs, be with my family, hang out with my friends, take a class if I want, read a book or do what I want to do. I am blessed, if I am hungry to eat, if I am tired to lay my head on my pillow in my nice bed. I am blessed. By now I hope you are seeing all the areas that you are blessed.

I am self employed as a massage therapist, I am in the process of building several other businesses. I have two big dogs to care for and family obligations to attend to. I am a very busy person. I am blessed to be busy with my businesses. I am blessed to be able to have two big dogs and take care of them. I am blessed to have the family I have.

If you noticed I never put in the icky stuff that goes on with all the above obligations and relationships.  We all know there is some.  We have a choice as to what we dwell on.  Negativity harvests negativity.  Positivity reaps the positive.  As I look at all my blessings, I have to ask myself  how can I  make time to reach out and make it a better place for someone else.   It doesn’t need to take a lot of time.  Consistency is always nice.  I make it a part of what I do, who I am.

Find a charity, whether it be Making It A Better Place or another organization that you can get behind and be a part of the mission.   Find out what they need for help and pitch in.  It doesn’t have to take a lot of time.  You control what time you want to give.  Make sure you have fun doing it.

If you are not crazy about being part of an organization do something nice, out of the blue for someone else.  Bake some cookies for your neighbor, rake some leaves for the elderly, or send out some cards to the military, shut-ins or people that are alone.  Just do something nice. Try it.  It is the best feeling and will put a smile on your face.


About Making It A Better Place

Making It A Better Place is a Charlotte, NC Not for Profit organization providing support to other nonprofit programs who are the building blocks to make the world a better place. Our mission is to create a culture where giving back is second nature, not just a "once in a while" thing. We believe that one person can make a difference and know that it is the little things that matter. Our goal is to encourage and foster a giving back mindset.
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1 Response to It Doesn’t Have To Be Huge

  1. Anne says:

    Great advice Kim. There is something little we can do every day to make a difference in other people’s lives – even if it is an encouraging word or a smile. I think sometimes people just don’t know where to start. There is an organization called Hands On Network that lists groups and projects by location that need help. It is a great resource – completely non-profit. website

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