Merry Christmas!

As the season has rapidly approached I was amazed to hear many people say they didn’t like Christmas.  As I listen with astonishment and wonderment as to why people have this  attitude, I realized it all stems around money.  I can’t afford to buy people presents, I don’t have the finances. Really people?  I think we have lost the meaning of why we celebrate this holiday.    You don’t have to spend money. Try giving of your time.  Visit a shut in. Spend sometime with your family.  Volunteer at a homeless shelter. That will show you just how fortunate you really are.  Give of yourself.  What better gift is there then your time and interest in another human being.  Celebrate the season and enjoy.


About Making It A Better Place

Making It A Better Place is a Charlotte, NC Not for Profit organization providing support to other nonprofit programs who are the building blocks to make the world a better place. Our mission is to create a culture where giving back is second nature, not just a "once in a while" thing. We believe that one person can make a difference and know that it is the little things that matter. Our goal is to encourage and foster a giving back mindset.
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